2022 Day Without Hate Rally
The Rally, open to all high school students, features live bands, guest speakers, incredible student talent, and an unparalleled energy of peace, unity, and respect. The event is set designed to cap off an amazing Day Without Hate by celebrating all that is right in public schools.
The 2022 Day Without Hate rally is Friday, April 29th.
2021 Virtual Day Without Hate Rally
Day Without Hate is a student-led, grassroots organization that promotes nonviolence, unity, and respect in our schools and communities. After the shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007, students at Standley Lake High School asked their classmates to wear white in order to show a commitment and trust in each other to make their school a safer place. The day was an overwhelming success. Since then, students across Colorado and the nation have taken this incredibly positive day to their communities to say that we will not tolerate violence or hate, and we will reach out to friends and acquaintances and say, "We're all in this together."
The Day Without Hate (DWOH) District Committee is a group of students who spend the entire school year planning activities for DWOH. They decided that they would hold Day Without Hate this year, even though it would look a little different as they all had no school on Friday, April 30th when DWOH was scheduled to be. Schools across the state (and even the country) celebrated Day Without Hate this week, whether it was on Wednesday, April 28th, Thursday, April 29th, or Friday, April 30th. Hopefully, next year, we can all go back to celebrating it together on the last Friday in April.
Even though the high school students of Jefferson County could not get together to celebrate the Day Without Hate Rally in person, they wanted to make sure that everyone could enjoy a Virtual DWOH Rally again this year.
Follow Day Without Hate on the Following Social Media:
• YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtVR
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daywithouthate
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daywithouth
• Website: http://daywithouthate.org
You can also join the DWOH Google Classroom with the code wvzk3x5 if you are a Jeffco student or teacher.
2021 Virtual DWOH Rally Agenda:
• The Arvada West Sparkles
• Jamir Nuanes (Dakota Ridge High School)
• Ralston Valley Cheer Squad
• Dylan Turley (Dakota Ridge High School)
• D'Evelyn High School Concert Choir
• The Arvada West Sparkles
• Katelyn Maloney (Dakota Ridge High School)
• Ryker Martin, Zach Martin, Zach Mihevc, & Stephen Woodruff (Columbine High School)
• DWOH District Council "Senior Moment"
Many Thanks to:
• Jefferson County Public Schools
• Stephen Holmes, Owner of 4IMPACT Inc.
• DWOH District Committee
• Evan Donelson & Emma Oryshchyn, Virtual Rally Creators
About the Rally
The rally celebrates all that is good in our schools and aims to ignite students' passion for the ideals of Day Without Hate. Over 5,000 students from every Jefferson County high school have participated in our rally in the night of Day Without Hate.
Bands like the Flobots, Defy You Stars, and Zach Heckendorf and presenters as diverse as MTV's The Buried Life, Gay Rights Activist Judy Shepard, and Columbine Principal Frank DeAngelis have performed for the crowd to get everyone believing that peace is possible in our schools.
For questions or additional information, please email Keary Sullivan.